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关于描写手表的优美英语句子大全 关于描写手表的作文


关于描写手表的优美英语句子大全 本文主要为您介绍关于描写手表的优美英语句子大全相关句子,欢迎阅读分享! 第1篇. 关于介绍手表的英语作文 The Swatch watches first went on sal……


关于描写手表的优美英语句子大全 关于描写手表的作文


第1篇. 关于介绍手表的英语作文

The Swatch watches first went on sale in 19八三. Now, nearly 200 million units later, it is the most successful wristwatch of all time and The Swatch Group, the parent company, is the largest and most dynamic watch company in the world.

The Swatch Group Ltd. in Switzerland is today the largest manufacturer of finished watches in the world. In terms of sales, the Swatch Group represents 22-25% of the watch production sales in the world. Famous for its colorful designs and innovative ideas, Swatch watches are affordable, yet functional and FUN! Do you know that Swatch was responsible for the survival of the Swiss watch industry? Come in and pick your Swatch at youzigift.com!

第2篇. 英文作文介绍你的手表30一40个词

The brand of my watch is Casio. It is made in Japan. It is a casual watch with digital display.

The color of the watch is black. Its water resistant feature is suitable for everyday use.



第3篇. 英语作文我的手表《my watch》

I have got a watch on my bithday as a gift by my mom.It is very beutiful.

I put it on the table near to my bed.Thanks to my mom because she knows my favorite color is Yellow.It turns aroud all day long never have a rest

I treat it as my friends.I will smile as long as I see it

Maybe everything have diferent side.I love it cause it told me what time is it now ? some time I don't cause it wake me up when I want sleep more


第4篇. 我的手表 英语作文

My Watch

I have got a watch on my bithday as a gift by my mom.It is very beutiful.

I put it on the table near to my bed.Thanks to my mom because she knows my favorite color is Yellow.It turns aroud all day long never have a rest

I treat it as my friends.I will smile as long as I see it

Maybe everything have diferent side.I love it cause it told me what time is it now ? some time I don't cause it wake me up when I want sleep more


第5篇. 英语作文:神奇的手表

光阴似箭,日月如梭,转眼到了2031年,作文 神奇的手表.我成为了一名举世闻名的科学家.最近,我研制出了一种多功能手表.就让我来给你介绍一下吧! 这种新型手表五彩斑斓.有金灿灿的黄、有温馨的粉红、有恬静的蓝、幽幽的紫这几种颜色.表盘上刻有顽皮可爱的史努比,活泼可爱的樱桃小丸子,三个表针的颜色五彩缤纷.另外,在表盘的四周有4个按钮,分别是橙、红、白、黑色.女孩带上它,会变漂亮.男孩带上它,会变帅气.光华丽的外表就可以让你爱不释手. 橙色按钮可以帮助我们学习.我们不会的题目,只要一按橙色按钮,然后告诉它,它就会像一位老师那样教我们,口齿清楚、思路清晰,小学三年级作文《作文 神奇的手表》.从不会直接告诉我们答案.但是在考场上,你可别指望它哟. 白色和红色按钮是用来调节温度的.在炎炎夏日,只要按一下白色按钮,就会觉得全身凉爽.在白雪皑皑冬天,只要按下红色按钮,身上就会暖烘烘的. 还有一项神奇的功能:假如在国外,语言不通,怎么办?没关系,只要一按黑色按钮,然后说中文,手表就会把中文翻译成那个国家的语言,然后用语音系统说出来.。

第6篇. 用英语介绍一种手表

The collection by Silvernes melds the neat, trim lines of the 1930s with the glamorous 1950s in a stylish timepiece expressing enjoyment of life in the finest Italian spirit, with its inspired refinement and unique way with style. Silvernes designers and watchmakers have consequently given their inspiration free rein, trading the strict rules of geometry for a superior aesthetic freedom—resulting in a delightfully inventive, unfailingly stylish collection called Silvernes elegance.。

第7篇. 一分钟用英语介绍手表

A watch is a small timepiece intended to be carried or worn by a person, so as to make the time immediately and conveniently available. It is designed to keep working despite the motions caused by the person's activities. A wristwatch is designed to be worn on a wrist, attached by a strap or other type of bracelet. A pocket watch is to be carried in a pocket. Watches evolved in the 17th century from spring-powered clocks, which appeared as early as the 14th century. The first watches were strictly mechanical, driven by clockwork. As technology progressed, mechanical devices, used to control the speed of the watch, were largely superseded by vibrating quartz crystals, producing accurately timed electronic pulses. Some watches use radio clock technology to regularly correct the time. The first digital electronic watch was developed in 1970。

相关标签: 手表 优美 大全
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