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怎样写有关新闻媒体的作文 英语要用作演讲稿 思路也行


怎样写有关新闻媒体的作文 英语
要用作演讲稿 思路也行
Media in China
Compared to twenty years ago,media is growing fast in China.TV sales have been increasing very quickly.Modern media has changed Chinese culture by erasing traditional thinking.Nowadays,fewer people live in the traditional Chinese style building.Modern media has made China a very different by changing people's life style.
In China,people are more likely to stay at home rather than going out.Because modern media changes the way people work and gather information .In the past,people got information from their neighbours or at work because most of them were not well educated which means they could hardly read or write.Communication was the only way to interact with each other,which could limit the way of gathering information.However,in a modern society,people can get their knowledge in multiple ways,such as Internet,TV & newspapers.Thus,modern media gives people a greater range of getting knowledge.
On the other hand,modern media helps people get information quickly and easily.For instance,people can get information from long distance in a short time by making a phone call.In the past,people talked to their neighbours to pass information,which is a waste of time.As a result,Chinese culture has been positively affect by modern media.
Internet,as a great contribution to human society development,also affect Chinese culture in a silent way.In the modern era,people prefer to communicate by Internet rather than going out because it's comfortable and convenient to stay at home use the chatting tools.That causes people's connection to be reduced,which means people are not close to each other anymore.In other words,modern media has changed people's relationships in China.
Modern media has changed Chinese culture by erasing the traditional life style.People are more likely to stay at home rather than going out.Their personal connections have decreased dramatically.Moreover,modern media helps people get information quickly and easily.However,this trend will never stop,Chinese culture will change by modern media more and more to adapt the new world.

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