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关于减肥英语句子说说心情大全 关于减肥英语作文80词带翻译

关于减肥英语句子说说心情大全 关于减肥英语作文80词带翻译文档下载

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  • 文档大小: 9KB
  • 更新:2023-11-04
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第1篇. 关于减肥的办法的英语句子

Apple diet: eat2days apple then normal diet for 3 days, so several cycles, the effect of good.


Lotus leaf slimming method: the lotus leaf, cassia seed, licorice, lemon slice, boiled soup, quantity as appropriate, to effect 2 weeks, every day more import toilet.


Balsam pear diet: as long as you make sure to eat 3bitter gourd roots, at least1 weeks can thin4 catties, is washed raw, though a bit difficult, but also has very good Detox Dongdong, eats, can we achieve the objective of!


第2篇. 关于减肥的英语文章

there are also five factors we shou 查看全文
